– INSquary est entièrement intégrée avec les services de l’ORIAS afin de contrôler les inscriptions de chaque courtier inscrit sur la plateforme. Les assureurs et courtiers sont alertés en temps réel dès que la situation change.
Grâce à notre module CheckRegister, les assureurs peuvent simplement utiliser notre plateforme afin de contrôler leurs listes de courtiers à la demande et obtenir des rapports détaillés sur les inscriptions.
INSquary: Société anonyme simplifiée (SAS) with a capital of 1,000 euros.
Registered office: 58, rue Boussingault – 75013 PARIS – France.
Email: contact@insquary.com
RCS: Paris, 838 941 920
VAT: FR 43 838941920
SIRET: 838 941 902 00012
Chairman: Philippe Ramangasoavina
Personal data: In accordance with French law (law n ° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004), you have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you, by contacting INSquary by mail or email. The personal data of the members can be consulted from their member account and can be modified on authenticated request.
Intellectual property: The texts, logos, animations and images integrated in the site are the property of INSquary or third parties having authorized INSquary to use them. These elements are protected under the copyrights and following of the Code of the Intellectual Property relating to the protection of the deposited models. The reproduction, on paper or computer, of said site and works reproduced therein are authorized provided they are strictly reserved for personal use and exclude any use for advertising, commercial and / or information purposes. With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various works that compose it, without having obtained the prior authorization of INSquary is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offense of counterfeiting. The content of the site and all the elements that make it up are and remain the exclusive property of INSquary. INSquary reserves the right to change and modify the content without prior notice.
Hosting: SAS OVH – http://www.ovh.com – 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix, France.