– INSquary est entièrement intégrée avec les services de l’ORIAS afin de contrôler les inscriptions de chaque courtier inscrit sur la plateforme. Les assureurs et courtiers sont alertés en temps réel dès que la situation change.
Grâce à notre module CheckRegister, les assureurs peuvent simplement utiliser notre plateforme afin de contrôler leurs listes de courtiers à la demande et obtenir des rapports détaillés sur les inscriptions.
A word from the Chairman
Founded by three experienced insurance professionals, our company INSquary is a "RegTech" which uses digital potentials to facilitate and secure relationships between insurers and their partners (distributors, outsourced services providers) concerning the dematerialized formalization of agreements and compliance with their regulatory obligations. INSquary aims to become the reference European platform regarding those diligences.
Our team

Mail: remi@insquary.com

Mail: philippe@insquary.com

Mail: fabien@insquary.com
Our platform
Our partners
Sell &Sign offers an electronic document signature solution compliant with EIDAS regulations, integrated into the INSquary platform. Documents signed through this process are level 3 certified, confirmed by a code sent to the signatories’ mobile phones, with legal archiving at Docaposte (La Poste group). This solution combines reliability and speed of signature workflows.
DOCAPOSTE allows companies and administrations to digitalize their business processes and customer, employee, supplier and citizen relationship paths. INSquary uses its services in close connection with the electronic signature solution Sell&Sign in order to legally archive the signed documents, keep a legal trace and prove the authenticity of the signatures.
They trust us

The FFA Hub
INSquary was one of the first 6 startups to join the Innovation Hub of the FFA (French Insurance Federation) in 2018. Located in the premises of the FFA boulevard Haussmann in Paris, it aims to facilitate exchanges between innovative actors in the sector.